Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Worth of Waiting

While watching television recently a commercial came on for "eHarmony" - a dating website for singles. The line they used to advertise it was, "Why wait for love?" and it caught my attention.

Firstly, I must admit to using eHarmony in the past. Like millions of others I was searching for love and hoping this could be the tool that would allow me to find someone that would end my 'waiting'. Although this does work for some I have determined in my heart that the process I need to go through is different from what is now considered to be the norm.

I have come to realize that waiting is an action word, which may seem like a contradiction since often times we consider it to be a time where nothing is happening. However, its true definition is "to continue as one in expectation", therefore waiting is far from being an inactive process. It is knowing there is something to wait for and being eager for it.

I will admit to not being the most patient of people in many areas of my life (for instance getting annoyed by those who enjoy driving below the speed limit - they seem to always be in front of me at the most inconvenient times, haha). While this may be true, I have come to understand the necessity for patience and perseverance through the many failures and hard lessons I have gone through, which were generally due to a lack of wisdom on my part at the time. While it was pain that could have been avoided, the Lord was able to use what was intended for evil to draw me closer to Him (as He will do the same for you).

What we may consider to be taking slower than molasses in January (in the Canadian prairies that is, haha) is actually the perfect timing of the Lord. For those of us in this season, although we are often unable to see it now, in hindsight will find that everything indeed unfolded exactly the way it was intended to (assuming we're embracing not rejecting God's will in our lives). 

2 Peter 3:9 (ESV)
"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."

The Lord revealed to me that waiting is only a delay of the promise meant to ready us for what He has already reserved. (Notice the highlighted words - that means they're important). If He has already prepared and reserved what He has for you and I then waiting is not meant to be a punishment or a tease, but a time of preparation so we are ready when the fulfillment of His promise comes. How horrific would it be if after what seemed to be an endless season of waiting we received our promise only to be crushed by it's weight because we underestimated what it would require of us? (A statement that reflects the rise in divorce rates world-wide).

What I've found is that until each of us has had a personal revelation God is good (regardless of what we see, think or feel) our faith will be shaken when the storms come. And they will come. Although our processes may be different one thing is certain - we need God. Our comfort and happiness are not His main concern - it is the state of our hearts. So instaed of seeing the valley you're in as barren, dry and inescapable ask God to open your eyes so you can see it for what it's truly mean to be; a place of life and intimacy with a God who's jealous for your heart.

For those of us who are single the application of this is obvious, however seasons of waiting come to every one's lives. The wife who longs to be a mother, but is having difficulty conceiving. The man who has a dream in his heart, but all the doors appear tightly closed around him. The couple who is struggling financially and need a breakthrough. What are you waiting for?  What will you do with the time in which you are waiting? Whatever it is, it's worth the wait.

I started this blog talking about love and so I will end it the same way. This is my favorite song right now called "Dancing in the Minefields" by Andrew Peterson. I hope you enjoy it too! (This link may not work for those living in the United States since it's a Canadian link, but you can find it by searching for it on youtube).

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